Thursday, October 31, 2013

>>>> New shit has come to light. <<<<<<

They found 1989 Radiation Records and have added the Zap machine to the regimen.

Got that call on Wednesday.  We met with the Radiation Oncologist again on Halloween and got set up for Radiation next week.  The scary part is,  I was excited about getting Radiation.

The long ride begins

I had occasional problems swallowing problems that got more frequent this fall.  On Monday 10/14 I had an Upper Endoscopy and was told I had Barretts Esophagus and High Grade Dysplasia (pre-cancer).

On Monday 10/21 I had an Endoscopic Ultrasound which revealed cancer, but it was contained.

That Wednesday we met with a Surgeon who planned to remove the Esophagus and cancer.

Thursday I had a PET scan which revealed the tumor was bigger than first thought so the surgeon wanted to consult with Oncologists.

Friday (10/25)  we met with a Medical and then a Radiation Oncologist.  At this time the plan was to do both Chemo and Radiation followed by the surgery.  The problem was they needed to find my old Chemo and Radiation records to see if this plan was feasible.

Monday (10/28) the medical Oncologist called and said they would only do Chemo then Surgery because they could not find Radiation Records.

What a Roller Coaster!  We are hanging on Tight!