Sunday, February 9, 2014

Where am I?

Hello everyone, I'm having a great time here at MoBap flats all-inclusive. The weather is good ( better than outside. )  The operation here went as well as can be expected.  And we just got news Friday that the pathology reports showed NO cancer. That is awesome!  Huge!!
                           Flipping off Esophageal Cancer

Next stop is the ICU.  Great service there too. Even the food is fantastic. The ice chips have an excellent sauce.  The tubal plastics are amazing.   My main problem while there was sleeping.  It was a bit odd .  I could fall asleep quickly but woke up every 45 min. Unfortunately every time I woke from a dream I could not tell where I was ( very disorienting ).  Real life was the dream.  It took a few minutes before I knew where I was.  I thought the surgery had not happened yet. How could I be at MoBap??

Two days later I was in a regular room.  Same great food (nada) .  I still fell asleep easy but eventually, waking at MoBap was not disturbing.   However, I was annoying to 2 nurses.  One for moving on my own 2 feet without help. The other was early in the a.m.  I was trying to fix a beeping IV monitor.  I basically dismantled parts, making more work for them. 

 Before they would allow me to eat, I had to pass the Swallow test.   Complications occurred at the beginning.  The swallow tests now requires modification.  We now have to wait until Monday.   Luckily, a nutritional IV is keeping me nourished. 
                        Friends at the trailhead of Metaphor Mountion. 


  1. Geok..glad to see you are hanging in are still the shit disturber and feisty with those Good sign! Hope to visit in a few days...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great flip! Hope the swallow test went well today! Hang in there, George!!
